Sunday, July 12, 2009

Too Much Enthusiasm?

So, yesterday was the VAMPS concert. The doors opened at 7 PM. I got on line at around 9:30 AM, and there were already at least 50 people on line. Apparently, some people had been lined up from two days before! The line eventually stretched all the way down the block. People kept stopping to ask us what we were waiting for. Someone started a joke where we told people that it was a Jonas Brothers concert. (You see, most of the fans definitely did not look like Jonas Brothers fans.) Most of the people believed us.
The concert was amazing, but I was somewhat disappointed. This was my first experience with a crowd like this. It wasn't violent, but it was packed. (It was sold out!) The room was sweltering hot. I started out at around the sixth row to the left... after an hours wait, I was sweating to death. The pushing began before the show even started. Once the band was out, the enthusiasm got a little too high. There was meaningless pushing back and forth, and I almost fell over a few times. I feared for the fans around me, because I felt like I was putting them in danger every time I started to fall. Eventually, I pushed my way out into a mellower area of the crowd. There was a pretty good view from the whole venue, so it was good. A lot of people were leaving the "pit", a few of them were crying. I love the enthusiasm, but the pushing is really unnecessary!
The set was pretty good. They played a lot of songs, although there were a few others that I was hoping they would play... And there was some problem with the sound system, so the microphone kept squeaking.
I'm glad that the show had a really good turn out, though.

Now I'm waiting another week and a half until my next adventure.

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