Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bliss and Regrets

I had such a great time at the dinner. I seriously think that these guys are some of the nicest, funniest people that I've ever met. It was so casual and everything... I didn't really get nervous at all. I didn't eat much though, and I felt like I could only drink water... which made Ken Lloyd a bit concerned, it seems, because he kept asking if I was alright with just water. XD He's seriously such a great guy. He told us (there were four other fans there along with the band) funny stories about the other band members, namely Minne, who was hysterical in his enthusiasm and lack of English skills. I felt bad, though, because I didn't realize that they had to leave so precisely on schedule, so I didn't get to have them autograph anything of mine... one girl was smart enough to bring maps of the area that she had each member sign, and she gave them to us, so at least I have that... I guess I'll go to the signing/photo session tomorrow, but there's supposed to be restrictions there on what you can get signed.
I also feel bad, because I had so many questions that I wanted to ask them, and I didn't ask any of them. I chose not to ask anything at the Q and A earlier in the day, because I knew I'd get my chance later... and then I blew it.
I was especially interested in knowing why they never do encores, as Ken so specifically stated towards the end of the concert. I did make a few acquaintances there though, (the fans, not the band) four of which are going to another concert I'm going to in July. Maybe I'll see them there, then.
I really hope that I get over this regret soon, because I want to remember it for how awesome it was.

I guess the moral here is to make wise use of your time in situations like this.

I still find it really funny that they were all so calm during the dinner, after such a crazy concert; especially Ken. He was so crazy and spastic and random and energetic during the show... But he was like the most laid back person once we met him.

<3 I have to go think this over some more.

1 comment:

  1. Replay the awesomeness of Ken Lloyd!

    Guess who became your first follower? ;)
